Life happens

Diversity & Inclusion!

Grew up as a minority, have been living in cities where I would be the majority and today I’m in Imphal (Manipur) and yes still a majority yet I do look different!! I was reflecting on this as people boarded the flight in the short layover in Guwahati and then at Imphal Airport I see 2 gates, 1 for Domestic and 1 for Foreigners and yes ofcourse I think I’m domestic .. but airport officials thought otherwise and I was asked to show my ID and then we even had a laugh ?

India does have such a diversity and is absolutely one of the things that I love about it, I look different but even in terms of a feeling .. I am far, far, FAR removed from Mumbai Madness? City living is less and less appealing by the day! I love the mountains, the lake, the greenery, the sound of tractors, children playing football in open grounds .. ♥️

Oh .. didn’t know I was going to walk into a piece of history, learnt of the WWII war in Imphal between 2 Empires .. British & Japanese! At school we did so much of European history, what was happening in this part of the world is something I continue to stumble upon randomly! “Not our war” was interesting to read .. Manipur was a sovereign state, British were on their way out soon and being part of the Indian Union was not an the agenda! Indian history ?

And btw .. India and its states continues to confuse me, I thought the 7 sisters included Sikkim, but today I was counting and I had forgotten Mizoram .. oops!! So now .. I have 7 States to go ?

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