Gallery, Life happens

Kedarnath .. Magic Happens ✨

Majestic by day, Mythical by night .. Truly Magical ❤️

In 1991 my parents took 3 teenage daughters and their 10 year old son on the Char Dham Yatra .. yes what were they thinking !! Those days seeing a plate with roti and onion as dinner was “what!!!???” And not having access to facilities was the end of the world, we did have fun filling water bottles from mountain streams though! So, anyway, after going to Janmotri and Gangotri, as we were going to Kedarnath we were all “London .. I want to go home .. London” .. well Shiva heard us and put a big rock on the road ahead which meant the road would be closed for 2 days .. Kedarnath was left as a to do.. maybe ☺️ my parents guruji said “Mahadev listens to children” and I thought .. haha .. it’s a landslide!

Fast forward, 33 years, still with a dream of going to Kailash, Shiva has shown me he has other plans, maybe i have some other unfinished business i thought? So, when in Srinagar I walked up (and down) to Shankracharya, which I thought would be 1 baby step forward and would help me prepare for Kedarnath (How I was WRONG!!!), so next step was .. Finally going to Kedarnath! Initially a group of friends was meant to be travelling and they cancelled, Ravi and I decided we would still go, I started watching videos, we brought lots of trekking gear and all kinds of meds and nuts and wipes and … well, lots of stuff! Week before we were due to leave we both fell sick, we both questioned is this the right time, we both said yes we will go! We were finally going to to Kedarnath .. Shiva was really testing my resolve!

We decided to have a good nights sleep and leave in the morning from Guptakashi, as long as we start the trek by 1:30pm, we will make it up by the evening … right? Well guess what, there was super heavy rain overnight and yes that meant there was a landslide and I asked Mahadev.. are you not gonna let me come again ? Still not time ? Really? Still upset with me? I smiled! We were stuck in traffic, work was happening and traffic was being controlled, we could have been stuck for hours! Ravi is telling me call the contact I have and I’m like .. No!! So he gets me to call and takes the phone over .. and we were cleared to pass through (with 10 other cars) .. so we beat the traffic! When we got to Sonprayag, we didn’t have to take the shuttle, we were dropped at Gaurikund – Shiva is calling .. finally! He’s not upset with me .. he can’t be, he’s Thakorji’s best friend!

Life is a journey I know I know, it’s not about the destination, but with Kedarnath it’s about the destination, don’t overthink the how to get there, just get there!! Almost at 12000 feet altitude, it’s a steep climb to get there (about 20km), I had all intentions of walking but ended up getting a mule, Ravi walked all the way up, he’s told me he can do it in 4 hours (And he did it pretty much) and the rate I was going I didn’t think I would have gotten up there at all by even midnight, but more importantly my heart was not good with the altitude and steep climbing. The path is chaotic, people walking, mules carrying people, people carrying people, mules carrying good and materials, slippery pathways, broken pathways, mule doing their nature calls .. when walking you have to pay attention to the path, on the mule you atleast get to witness the beautiful surroundings! I ended up getting to Base Camp earlier than Ravi, so whilst I was waiting I had a chai, a maggi (we really have adopted maggi in India), a coke, I even had some random conversations with strangers – someone thought I was some Youtube Influencer!!! Ravi arrived … frustrated but happy that we was able to do the walk, I was just happy to be at the top and with the bumpy mule ride I had a sore bum .. which just made Ravi laugh! But it did hurt .. really! ok! On the way down, we both got onto mules!

Base Camp to the Mandir is still about an hours walk, we got to the mandir about 9pm and WOW! The aarti that day had just fisnihed, so we saw post aarti effect, the dhoop, the people, the bells .. it was actually very emotional! Next day, we are awake for 6am darshan, Ravi said this visit to Kedarnath was my calling and I should be open receive all the help and support that is coming to me .. don’t resist! Yes Jaxa .. feminine energy.. be open and receive ☺️☺️☺️ a friend of mine knew someone so we got a bit of special treatment, road barricades were removed and we got to skip the long queues for the morning Darshan too!

The mandir is beautiful, with snow capped mountains as backdrop, I am sure I read “Happy” on the mountains and there was something written in Arabic too, but I can’t read Arabic ☺️ The Aarti is stunning, seeing Laxmi Narayan was beautiful, being able to sit inside the inner sanctum, being able to get onto my knees and actually bow down, the bhasma from the Aarti across my forehead .. just kind of flowed into a space where I was a little lost ☺️ a sadhu gave me a rudraksh, another one whipped my head with something, said a prayer and pinched my forehead! You kind of just get immersed in it all ❤️ my favourite space .. Bhim Shila❤️ Pure Magic .. if you ever doubt divine intervention or divine timing, go to Kedarnath .. when the floods happened in 2013 and everything was washed away .. a miracle happened .. a huge rock was placed just behind the mandir, the exact width, the exact position, today it’s become a shrine in itself .. but wow! Pure Magic ❤️ I said to Ravi .. if thats not magic, what is? I believe Thakorji told Shiva “your call” and Shiva told Hanuman to put that rock there .. I can see the conversation!!!

World is a Classroom, People, Places & Things are my Assignments

Over last few weeks “the more I trust my intuition, the more Thakorji trusts me.. Magic is Happening” has become my mantra, the more we are able to silence the mind, the more we can listen to Thakorji .. he’s communicating with us all the time! We do not any translator, we do not need any interpreter .. All of us have a Direct Connection! We have a purpose, our planet is in ascension mode, magic is happening .. All we have to do is trust, TOTAL TRUST! I truly believe we are put into situations and experiences where Thakorji is making himself being felt, more and more we are being brought into the present moment.. do we trust him? Are we following our intuition? Choosing Love over fear?

Life is happening for me .. for us .. “If you have eyes you see” ❤️

  1. When coming down the mountains .. we took a break because the hooves needs fixing and at that time the mule I was sitting on, I heard them talking about his front left leg being injured and so my intuition actually told me why you getting on that mule. The mule brought me all the way down and with about 1 km to go it slipped on its front left leg and fell .. so I fell too .. the way it fell, I truly feel it protected me so that I fell gently onto the side, it was almost sophisticated .. all I have is a big bruise on my thigh and then I walked the last 1 km too ☺️ It could have happened at the top of the mountain, I could have gotten more injured, but this was for me also just Thakorji making his presence felt .. a bit of “I told you so!” It was magic ❤️
  2. I was flying back to Delhi, whilst at Dehradun airport my hands started itching so badly, in the past this has lead to severe food poisoning symptoms, my face went red, my hands swelled up and I wondered how I would get onto the flight and get home. I just breathed, sat quietly, I wanted to know what Thakorji was telling me.. “Just a little detoxing”. I had some electrolytes (trek prep) so took that and then? Well, the flight got delayed by 2 hours, by which time I was actually fine ☺️ Some Thakorji magic happened, he really loves us ❤️

I don’t know what the future looks like, but everyday I am seeing magic unfold in my world .. Soul having a beautiful Human Experience.. and that’s it, yes I can get into 3D mode, but I am able to catch myself faster and handle things better and better, just how dense this energy has been. I have this vision of walking through a sea of gunk/honey, my face has just about gotten out of it and my arms and legs are stretched behind me, still making my way through! Some day are hard, really hard, but everyday we have a choice, every moment we have a choice – Love v. Fear, Freedom v. Control, Peace v. Drama .. We create our reality! Choose Life!! Choose You!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Shiva for making Kedarnath happen .. with the one who says you always walk with him!

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