Life happens

Wheels are turning ..

How upside down we are are .. what have we done to ourselves ? To our planet ? So deluded to truly believe the physical is real? More meaningful? What ??

We are a dot in a dot in the vastness of the beautiful universe .. a soul having a human experience, this world is a classroom and people, places and things are assignments .. and that too assignments you actually chose before you took birth on this planet in this lifetime – you wanted to experience things so you learn, you heal, you grow! Yet, once we are here .. amnesia and then it’s just all ego ego ego! Where is the love .. and no I’m not talking about loving anyone or someone loving you .. where is your love for YOU!

This world is for us, life is happening for us .. why make yourself miserable and others in the process ? It’s all just Karma! Every excuse you make .. ask yourself .. why? Go deeper ! We are the Masters of Distractions! Turn the mirror .. Do you even see YOU? We are ascending as a planet .. there is a whole new energy .. are you gonna stay stuck in the same cycles or are you going to make more conscious choices ? Are you going to continue living in fear or are you choosing love ? None of us are getting out alive! We don’t even know if we will wake tomorrow! Each day wake up with gratitude.. be thankful for all your assignments! We don’t take anything with us! How much you have healed is all you take with you really, until your next lifetime and your whole set of new assignments! As souls, we are pure, work through the layers and layers of dust .. silence the ego.. see the love you truly are .. the pureness .. remember who you TRULY ARE.. and live in Love, Peace & Joy! Everything is just Energy .. Tune In ..

Magic awaits ✨once you know who you truly are .. you can never settle! Life is gold .. live it ❤️

Ps. Yes .. the image is upside down on purpose .. as I sat by Dal Lake, looking at this view .. when do we start seeing a new reality? Is it really happening? Can it? YES ❤️ Believe ..and YES .. I have so so so loved this Eclipse energy.. Thank You Thakorji ❤️

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