This hit me!! I have often wondered why I felt abandoned .. you hear of all the childhood theories and yes many do play out – absolutely! However .. I could never quite understand abandonment, now almost 50 and I hear “the Original Wound of Seperation” and many days later it’s still making me feel A-ha!!

Evolution .. if you believe in multidimensionality then you may think I’m making sense .. if you believe in Darwins theory you will think I’m mad! We learn this theory at school and I have offered wondered .. how!! How did monkeys become humans and if they did why not all of them? And then when you believe in Thakorji .. even more it’s like .. really ? So you think and think and think and messages have come to me many times .. were we .. are we .. stars incarnated on earth?

Thakorji can make magic happen .. why can’t stars incarnate on earth? Humans just appeared at some point! Why not ? And when I incarnated .. I being soul and not Jaxa .. the many lifetimes of I .. multidimensional.. where time and space is all an illusion .. so just being in any physical body and the constraints of that .. that’s the original wound of Seperation? Not caused by anyone in this lifetime or in this physical world .. just being separated from Thakorji ? All experiences we have in all forms ultimately remind .. attempt to remind .. and some point successfully remind us of that Seperation .. never about the physical Seperation causing abandonment, it’s the original wound we carry and we long to find our way back to Thakorji (call him source/god/her whatever).. THE HOME .. LOVE ❤️

Ps. These Hubble photos .. incredible, leave one speechless really .. stars .. stars .. and more stars ..