


I think I’ve forgotten what clouds really are .. when you get out into the country .. non concrete jungle .. you see clouds .. all shaoes .. all sizes .. all beautiful ❤️

Life happens


A few days away from city life, visiting some temples .. so simple right ? Each time I go to “smaller” places in India, i just get reminded Most of India is like this Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore are not all of India Even “my”…

Life happens

My life changing moments .. 

My Thakorji turns 32 today .. got me to reflect on life changing moments in my life . 1981 .. birth of my brother and the birth of my feminism (which i only understood many years later) 1990 .. My Thakorji came home .. my…

Life happens

Yes .. 

Life .. and the journey goes on! Interesting times these days and manier times my mind will try it’s best to win with fear .. I am becoming more aware .. everyday .. heart ..just heart .. every moment .. every day .. every life…

Life happens

Best Chocolate Croissants .. I think 

Nostalgia ❤️ Ehen I lived in Bangalore many years ago I stumbled onto Chez MarriAnnick and what I believe yo be the best chocolate croissants ??? Today, after many many years, meeting Sashi and MarriAnnick again .. eating the chocolate croissants again .. sitting somewhere…