

Taj Mahal .. 

I’m not promoting any brand! I just happen to love this photo .. clever isn’t it? The guide we had knew where we had to stand, I didn’t think it would come out like this!


Pee with a View 

When guys come out in fits of laughter and you have to go and see what it was all about 🙂 Ladakh is incredible in many many ways! This is actually in a monastery.

Life happens

Thank You.. 

Will it read well? Will it make sense? Will anyone relate? Can I really just publish .. with all my insecurities and all?!! I had many questions as I was putting the blog together! It’s amazing how the mind plays all the tricks possible? I…

Gallery, Soul

Be ..autiful 

Outside & Inside “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful” “Good Morning, you’re Beautiful & Lovely” .. The cutest start to the day when Dhruvie comes to you on a family holiday! Story behind the image .. My Thakorji❤️

Life happens

The wait is finally over .. 

Hmmmm.. the wait for what? To say the last few months have been odd is a huge understatement .. so what is wait over for .. For being able to go for walks? For monsoon having started? For some travel to start? For stores to…

Gallery, Soul

Be Bliss 

Happy, Balanced, Blessed “If only you knew what bliss I find in being nothing“ Rumi Story behind the image .. My favourite photo of Ravi & Aanya. Ravi always has the most beautiful stories to share, Aanya is his escape, he completely adores her …..

Art, Soul

Be The Goddess Within 

Self Worth, Self Respect, Self Love “Go ahead unleash your inner Goddess today. Embrace all that fabulosity that is amazing you“ Story behind the image .. Shivani, her drawings are always beautiful, I loved the way she took the photo of this drawing with the…

Art, Soul

Be In Love 

With Oneself, With That Someone Special, With Life “I belong to no religion. My religion is love. Every heart is my Temple“ Rumi Story behind the image .. One of my paintings, or maybe I should say my only painting! A heart full of movement…..

Art, Soul

Be Compassionate 

People, Planet “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama In the beginning there is nature,In the end there is nature, so why in the middle do you make so much fuss? (OSHO) Story behind the…