A ❤️ full of moon
what a beautiful way to end the year .. the last full moon of the year .. love you
Unconditional Love
How to listen to the heart and silence the mind? In a world where we think the mind leads, we have to get to the point where the mind follows where the heart flows ❤️ Self Love – It really starts with you! You can…
New Moon, New Energy, New Book ..
I know what I want to write .. I don’t have a method of writing .. I just write! It’s cold outside, feeling a rush of magical energy and I have been procrastinating on this book for a while now The world is a classroom…..
I am a Love Story ❤️
End of the day we are all just beautiful love stories, all in search for love that was always within us .. Never Settle ☺️ Makes it magic ✨
Comfortable with the Uncomfortable.. The Unknown ✨
“Get up .. get up .. don’t you want to see me” I felt this .. this morning .. the moon waking me so I can take a peak .. after I found it .. in all its beauty .. happy full moon ✨ It’s…
Welcome to my little world ..

Think too much, feel too much.. trying to figure out this journey called life, not wanting too much! Not a writer, not even a photographer, but I do have thoughts and I do admire nature and places I have lived in or visited I love to go for walks in mornings or evenings to capture the sun and the moon and maybe a few other things too.
Radhe Radhe xxx
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