
Gallery, Life happens

The Art of Healing 

Is it so simple? Hmmmmm Physical – Please don’t stop here! There is so so so much more to life than just the 3D world Emotional – Let them flow! All emotions are good emotions, feel them.. it’s how our body communicates with us Energetic…

Life happens

Unconditional Love 

How to listen to the heart and silence the mind? In a world where we think the mind leads, we have to get to the point where the mind follows where the heart flows ❤️ Self Love – It really starts with you! You can…

Life happens

Wheels are turning .. 

How upside down we are are .. what have we done to ourselves ? To our planet ? So deluded to truly believe the physical is real? More meaningful? What ?? We are a dot in a dot in the vastness of the beautiful universe…

Life happens

There is Only 1 Moon 

We have a “second” moon in Earth’s atmosphere, do you feel it? Are you feeling energy amplified? Emotions amplified? Hidden truths coming out more? With everything else going on .. we have this too .. Thank You Thakorji ❤️ Just what I needed at the…

Life happens

Mirrors to Self Love 

Pardon? Can you see mirrors all around you ? I’m not talking about those silver things that you look at .. yes you are all beautiful! Now .. can you see all people, places and things around you as mirrors ? Ultimately, what the people,…