
Gallery, Life happens

Never Settle.. 

In life.. how many times have you stopped yourself from doing something your heart really wanted? Many many times.. right? Only we are responsible for all the stops in our lives! Would you take that ownership? So, Self Love.. the unconditional kind, can that ever…

Gallery, Life happens

Mirroring .. The Many Layers 

“What is this showing me?” Have you ever felt you’re spinning, questioning, judging? Gets you into a negative mindset, start feeling like a victim? Well.. THATS the moment where awareness starts kicking in faster .. and faster .. as you continue this journey! Everything …..

Life happens

Love, Peace & Joy 

So did you make any New Year’s resolutions? This year I decided to go with Love, Peace & Joy .. I say these words so much, so what do they mean to me ? Here goes .. Love Peace Joy There is no right or…

Life happens

One Day .. 

Things just keep happening You keep doing .. thinking .. something The screw gets tighter and tighter ., and tighter You think you know .. but the more you know .. you actually don’t know And THEN One Day .. This is ALL an ILLUSION…

Life happens


So, It’s the end of 2024 – What a year! How was it for you? 2+0+2+4 = 8 It was a heavy year, intense year, learning on steroids kind of year! I asked many people 3 questions, even my nephews and I loved the way…

Life happens

Chillai Kalan …❄️ 

I remember a couple of years ago being in Srinagar during winter and being so dismissive .. I’m from London, I can handle the cold ☺️☺️☺️ Does nature have a way of telling you .. showing you! OMG ☺️ I remembered escaping to a hotel…



The magic of masculine and feline energy coming into a balance! We have created such a crazy world – men took control, woman were controlled so .. women thought they needed to be men and start controlling .. no they didn’t! Be YOU ..

Gallery, Life happens

The Art of Healing 

Is it so simple? Hmmmmm Physical – Please don’t stop here! There is so so so much more to life than just the 3D world Emotional – Let them flow! All emotions are good emotions, feel them.. it’s how our body communicates with us Energetic…