
Life happens

No Rules Rules! 

A Dot in a Dot .. right ? So where did all the rules come from ? The rights ? The wrongs? The morals? Thakorji said to me this morning “why are you into all this high moral stuff, everyone is in this classroom, not…

Life happens

Co Creating ❤️ 

Pluto moving into Aquarius.. so ? OMG! Do we want to be lead, or do we want to lead ? Do we really know how empowered we really are ? Do we know who we are ? What does self love actually mean to you?…

Life happens

Happy Diwali 🪔 

Happy Diwali 🙂 New Moon, New Beginnings … and finally an aspiring author becomes a published author 🙂 Talked about it for years, started writing a few years back, became a blog, back to book .. and then 1 day .. it just happens! It’s…