Co Creating ❤️
Pluto moving into Aquarius.. so ? OMG! Do we want to be lead, or do we want to lead ? Do we really know how empowered we really are ? Do we know who we are ? What does self love actually mean to you?…
Happy Diwali 🪔
Happy Diwali 🙂 New Moon, New Beginnings … and finally an aspiring author becomes a published author 🙂 Talked about it for years, started writing a few years back, became a blog, back to book .. and then 1 day .. it just happens! It’s…
Marriage .. The Event, The Paper, The Promise
2023 is flying .. and for many reasons! Just been in the midst of a wedding and later this summer there is a family wedding too .. the shopping was alot of fun and I’m sure the wedding will be even more fun! Have a…
Jhoome Pathan..
We live in interesting times, polarisation.. globally, locally! The outpouring of love for Pathan makes me happy on so so so many levels .. the SRK salaam, seriously, who can do it like him ? he’s just beautiful! .. the love of people winning v….
5 @ 50
My 1st tattoo was a total whim .. I just did it because Krity had talked about it for so many years and never did it so I said let’s go! we went to a place in Palika Bazaar .. totally random!! Then another one…
Falabella turns 5 ✨
2023 starts .. Falabella turns 5, my full time corporate career comes to an end .. and what a way to End? Transition? Will still be working with Falabella as a consultant and learning how not be “responsible”.. how does that work ? Part of…
Dreams come true ..
I remember crying .. many times, 1986, 1990 .. each time England would get knocked out of the World Cup! Football has been a big part of my life .. this year .. I finally get to be at a World Cup ❤️ Dream coming…
Kargil .. realities of war
For Our tomorrow, they have their today .. it’s a sobering place! Seeing the photos, the names, the letters .. yes I have watched the movie based on the war but Being here was different
Spent a weekend in Naranaag, home to An Ancient Shiva Tenple .. over 2000 years old! It’s Stunning .. and if the structures could speak their stories .. Wow ☺️ Stayed with a a local family and little girl Seerat, a Salman Khan fan (gave…
The Ding ☺️
Meet Ashish .. have known him for 14 years now! The time he interviewed me for Target, the 1st development status we had to life after Target and always asking “What’s the story” and then the call .. “Will you do HR” and me laughing!…