❤️ I came across this recently and have found myself repeating it, many times, has really helped me put many things in perspective

.. the world as we know it v. what it is
.. people as we know them v. who we are

And just like I have assignments, I am an assignment to others ☺️ I don’t think anyone is a bad assignment, all assignments are good .. some we do better at than others. I know I would not have always gotten a A☺️

As I look ahead to my next set of assignments, and some assignments continue (ofcourse!), I was asked .. So, what have you learnt ? Anything? And have I really learnt? I know I am about to embark on a even more beautiful part of my journey and with that will come many experiences .. the last few months and how everything has happened has been magical .. what I hope & pray to remember ..

  1. I wanted to be with the one who brings me closer to Thakorji❤️ His Sakhi ❤️
  2. It’s about the journey, there is only one destination : Love to Nothingness!
  3. Balance – Peace of Mind – Surrender .. TRUST Thakorji & His Magic! Seperation really is an illusion.
  4. Unconditional Love for Myself, my Ranaji, my Life!
  5. Divine Timing .. Be in the moment! Past is done and was needed as part of the journey, the future is not here, so why worry?

Let the Magic happen ..