Dreams come true ..
I remember crying .. many times, 1986, 1990 .. each time England would get knocked out of the World Cup! Football has been a big part of my life .. this year .. I finally get to be at a World Cup ❤️ Dream coming…
The Ding ☺️
Meet Ashish .. have known him for 14 years now! The time he interviewed me for Target, the 1st development status we had to life after Target and always asking “What’s the story” and then the call .. “Will you do HR” and me laughing!…
Love Trust Surrender
” .. As the moon tilts, earth no longer casts a shadow .. No thing or no one is now blocking you .. you are divinely whole.. “ Happy Lunar Eclipsing Full Moon to You ✨
Attention to detail ..
Amazes me .. how many sarees.my mother has and yet she will remember when she got, how much she paid, when she last wore .. this is a new one and she wanted a photo ?
Thank You IKEA ??
ID handed over .. A Beautiful Chapter closed! And after “making the most of it” ofcourse .. yes lots of shopping!! Ps. IKEA aged me ? ☺️